Monster Puzzle RPG游戏攻略秘籍
Follow Soleil's story as you battle [详情]
Follow Soleil's story as you battle it out through ancient caverns governed by the power of the Gods. Slash through monsters in this hybrid of adventure RPGs and Puzzles games, inspired by Knightfall from Megadev and also Puzzle Quest, as you have you wits tested against the monsters. Destroy blocks and monsters alike, in something that might remind you of Bejeweled, but with a refreshing new breath!Get ranked based on your score in every stage, retry a stage as much as you want, even as you proceed through the story. Ranking is similar to Angry Birds and other puzzle-like games!Find out the main character's motivation and get to know the other characters of the plot, like the sweet girl Ciel. The story has been lightly inspired by the Final Fantasy games, the "Tales of" series, Chrono Trigger and many other old school RPGs, but it's not another medieval fantasy story about saving the world, this tale is much more personal and, because of that, unique. The graphics are similar to anime graphics, like Dragon Ball Z, GT, but cleaner, since they are vectorized!Play through the entire first dungeon of the game in this beta. The game is still in development, so your feedback and good ratings is important as we create more awesome content for you guys to play with!
开发者:Manuel Sáez Moreno
Touhou speed tapping idle RPG游戏攻略秘籍
魔兽争霸RPG 调秘籍
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