作为《闇の仕事人KAGE》的全新重制作品,《KAGE~Shadow of the Ninja绝影战士》在传承了经典双人合作玩法的同时,还将融入众多新要素。相较于过去,游戏中的两位忍者主角飒(Hayate)与枫(Kaede)不仅在造型上会有全新的变化,还增加了多种新武器和攻击动作。玩家既可以从两个角色中任选其一进行单人游玩,也能与好友一起合力闯关打倒强敌,找回儿时双打的快乐。
《东方冰之勇者记》是一款将『横轴动作』+『弹幕射击』相结合的东方Project同人游戏。本作采用了 BOSS RUSH 的关卡模式,玩家需要操控东方人气角色「琪露诺」化身为冰之勇者,踏上对抗邪恶力量、解放幻想乡,并最终拯救珍重之人的旅途。● 高机动战斗游戏中主角拥有极其灵活的移动能力,玩家可以进行爽快无比的高机动弹幕对战。● 华丽弹幕BOSS会使用精心设计的弹幕技能攻击玩家,这些弹幕十分精美,但同时也非常致命!● 装备自定义玩家可以利用大量趣味十足的「符卡」与「道具」创造出属于自己的装备流派(Build)。● “史诗”冒险玩家将与「琪露诺」和其他登场的东方人气角色一起经历这场诙谐生趣的公主拯救之旅。我们推荐大家可以体验免费游戏《东方冰之勇者记:序章》,以确保了解完整的游戏剧情。在序章中,琪露诺将前往传闻中的「红魔大城堡」寻找雾之湖公主的下落,同时她必须独自面对堡主姐妹的 “热烈欢迎”……序章与正篇是互相独立的两款游戏,序章的流程将不会重复出现在正篇当中。
《Skelethrone: The Prey》
You're in for a great adventure inspired by games like Castlevania and Dark Souls. Bloodthirsty monsters, divine creatures and epic boss battles. The game’s story is shaped by choices that will define your journey.PROLOGUE KEY FEATURES: Metroidvania - Unlock unique upgrades for movement and combat to expand the world. Maintaining the game's progression requires you to use different relics, items and abilities. Challenging bosses - Test your skills against multiple bosses and other creatures from the Dark Ages. The game will constantly test your patience as you face challenging battles that require their own unique approach.. Exploration - The game features a huge world represented by a variety of hand-crafted levels. From fog-shrouded ruins, where undead corpses cling to any living being passing by, and shambling figures emerge. To the Sun-city that hides in the labyrinthine of an ancient tomb where an unspeakable evil lingers, long forgotten by mankind.AVAILABLE IN FULL GAME: Weapons and Equipment – Your character can be armed with bows, scythes, longswords, whips, pistols, rifles, and many more traditional weapons. More exotic weapons will also be available to you, so use any means to achieve success. Multiple Endings – Make key decisions along the way to determine Ericona's fate as you progress through the story. Non-linear exploration – Play through levels and bosses, discover side areas with more secrets and enemies to defeat. Combat galore - You must use an ever-expanding arsenal of weapons and equipment to repel a wide variety of enemies. Put your courage, skills, and resolve on display for them."Skelethrone: The Prey" is a free prequel to the main game, setting the stage for the events that will unfold throughout Skelethrone's main campaign.The story takes place a few decades before the events of the game's main campaign. Assume the role of Derek Ericona, a lord who escaped the persecution is now trying to get to the borders of the neighboring kingdom to resist the tyranny of Queen Aurora, but he is being chased and faces an uphill battle. Prepare all your skills to overcome all the obstacles and difficulties prepared for our hero. And now the hunt is on!
2024年发售的3D 平台角色扮演游戏盘点,有你想玩的吗?(第37周)
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