AutoRaid: RPG Manager游戏攻略秘籍
手机游戏> AutoRaid: RPG Manager> 游戏攻略
** APP PERMISSION REMINDER ** AutoRaid: RPG Manager requires some major permissions as follows: 1. Contacts - find accounts on the device App uses this permission to retrieve your Google Play account to associate with in-game data. PLEASE ALLOW THIS PERMISSION IF YOU WANT TO ASSOCIATE IN-GAME DATA WITH YOUR GOOGLE PLAY ACCOUNT . 2. Phone - read phone status and identity App uses this permission to check if your device is busy calling and AutoRaid will pause or sleep. 3. Storage - modify or delete the contents of your U storage App uses this permission for some devices that would install AutoRaid into external storage. - Design your battle! AutoRaid: RPG Manager! Team management is not only for sports games! It's time to manage your party in a fantasy world! Unlimited strategies with various heroes! Build your unique party to conquer the dungeons, and prove that your team is the best in the battle arena! ◀◀ Features ▶▶ ◆ THE DEEPEST BATTLE EVER - Familliar party build and threat system from MMORPG - Detailed battle reports to analyze your party - Perfectly simulated dungeon party play ◆ PROMOTE YOUR HEROES TO BECOME A LEGEND - Classical fantasy heroes with 6 races and 24 classes - Begin as an apprentice, be a Legend! ◆ UNLIMITED DUNGEONN TACTICS - There're more than one answer! Design your own tactics. - Nothing is impossible! Push your limit to beat the monsters! ◆ REAL-TIME PvP - Battle Arena - BO3 battle against other players. - Prepare for unexpected enemies, and conquer the battle arena with your own heroes! Unleash your tactical imagination in RPG Manager! ※ Offers In-App Purchases
开发者:Oozoo Inc.
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