Tales of Maj'Eyal
Tales of Maj’Eyal is a roguelike RPG, featuring tactical turn-based combat and advanced character building. Play as one of many unique races and classes in the lore-filled world of Eyal, exploring random dungeons, facing challenging battles, and developing characters with your own tailored mix of abilities and powers.
With a modern graphical and customisable interface, intuitive mouse control, streamlined mechanics and deep, challenging combat, online stats and character sheets, Tales of Maj’Eyal offers engaging roguelike gameplay for the 21st century.
Rich set of very unique classes
Unlocks & achievements progression
Rich world with its own history which slowly reveal during the game
No consumables, no grinding
Turn based: think before you act!
Simple, easy to use interface
Easy modding support with Workshop integration
Buyers will get all the extra features that normal donators get. You can test for free on te4.org
Tales of Maj'Eyal
第三人称射击游戏《Trench Tales》Steam页面上线 暂不支持简体中文
超级跑跑好玩吗 超级跑跑玩法简介
《最长的散步》《赫尔克里·波洛 伦敦案件》获苏格兰游戏奖
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