



《勇者圣剑传说》是一款传统的复古向回合制角色扮演游戏。 本游戏还原了传统的回合制RPG玩法,可完全使用键盘或主流游戏手柄进行操作。 剧情 一个出生在小山村的年轻人,某一天有一个士兵上门传话,原来是受到了远方国王的邀请。 于是这位年轻人就开始了旅途,在旅途中认识了伙伴并跟随一同冒险。 在长途跋涉来到了王国见到国王后,得知世界将要被一个邪恶的魔王吞噬,需要找齐世间传说的四大神物才能对抗魔王。 于是这位年轻人又踏上了寻得神物的旅途... 玩法 在游戏中,随着剧情的推进,可以寻得其余2个伙伴的相助。 给与伙伴穿戴更好的装备可在战斗中发挥更好的作用。 在一些瓶瓶罐罐中可能藏有好东西,靠近后按确认键或使用菜单中的“调查”指令即可调查。 一些空场地中也可能埋藏着好东西,须使用菜单中的“调查”指令才可寻到。 靠近NPC按确认键可以对话,与NPC对话可以获得许多有用的信息。 游戏存储 可在游戏菜单中“系统→保存游戏”随时保存游戏进度。 战斗指令 攻击:直接攻击敌人,对敌人造成伤害。 咒语:可以使用单体、群体伤害类咒语,或是回复生命等,需要扣除MP值。 防御:受到的攻击或咒语伤害减半。 道具:在战斗中使用道具恢复HP等。 逃跑:立即脱离当前的战斗,但可能失败。 键盘操作说明 ←↑→↓方向键:控制移动 Space键:确认 Esc:取消 Ctrl:游戏中弹出菜单 F11:切换全屏和窗口模式 手柄操作说明 ←↑→↓方向键:控制移动 A:确认 B:取消 X:游戏中弹出菜单



化身为马戏团团长的独生子,跟着马戏团一起来到这座依山傍海、绿意盎然的乡间小镇。 在“艾草町”度过一段别有意义的暑假时光,体验这场暖暖暑假冒险游戏。 故事舞台“艾草町”的所有地域范围自成一个开放世界,夏日厚重的积雨云、夕暮时的晚霞以及蝉鸣等等,在充满怀旧风情的景物里,度过一段别有意义的暑假时光。 不论是在海边或河里钓鱼、还是去山上抓稀有的昆虫,暑假有好多快乐有趣的活动! 也可以协助马戏团表演,或者多跟艾草町的居民交流,看夏季庆典中绽放的烟火跟盂兰盆舞点亮整个夜晚。 不时,也可以搭上电车前往隔壁的城镇探索。 透过多采多姿的相遇和体验,写下一段属于自己的暑假回忆吧。 本作由擅长以暑假时光与孩提时代的怀旧追想为主题,创作出无数杰作的绫部和领衔制作。

《Of Murder and Moonshine》


You’re a hitman in one of the top three crime organizations fighting to the death over territory and the flow of illegal booze. It’s your job to follow orders and come out alive on the other side, no matter how risky, how brutal, or how unlikely it might seem that you’ll reach your mark. Jump, slide, sneak, or just barge right in – you’ll have to do whatever it takes to get the kill.As, Of Murder and Moonshine’s pixel art and dark, jazzy score give the game a gritty, nostalgic feel to punctuate the systematic killings you must carry out throughout cities and the bayou in order to appease your boss and ensure your crime syndicate comes out on top at all costs.Features:Choose your weaponStart each level by choosing your preferred tool of the trade. From tommy guns to baseball bats, there’s a strategic choice for every situation.Survey the task ahead or run in guns blazing Depending on the scenario, you may employ a careful, covert operation where you survey the scene and plan out each step, or you may find yourself thrown right to the wolves and need to fight your way out from the inside. Either way, you have to take out your mark or find yourself on the wrong end of the barrel of a gun.Hide your intentions for covert hitsAlternate between brandishing your weapon and keeping it discreetly concealed in your overcoat to suit the situation at hand. You’ll never get to your mark and have an opportunity to take him down if you get stopped at the door by guards who see your intentions a mile away. Expect to suffer for your mistakesWhen you answer to the most ambitious crime boss the city has ever seen, you can’t expect to get any slack for sloppy work. The jobs you’re sent on are punishing, and you’ll pay with your life if you don’t succeed, but that risk is what makes victory taste all that much sweeter.Take down killer bossesWhen you’re part of a crime ring, it’s not only your own boss you need to worry about. Use what you’ve learned taking out lesser goons to bring down the big baddies—rival crime bosses who will do anything it takes to put an end to your mission. Boss fights mean tougher battles and bigger wins, so you’ll have to make use of new strategies, like employing molotov cocktails or honing your sniping skills, to take them down. Will you and your gang be able to conquer the swamps and the city, or will a rival crew bring you to your knees?



作为《闇の仕事人KAGE》的全新重制作品,《KAGE~Shadow of the Ninja绝影战士》在传承了经典双人合作玩法的同时,还将融入众多新要素。相较于过去,游戏中的两位忍者主角飒(Hayate)与枫(Kaede)不仅在造型上会有全新的变化,还增加了多种新武器和攻击动作。玩家既可以从两个角色中任选其一进行单人游玩,也能与好友一起合力闯关打倒强敌,找回儿时双打的快乐。



在夏日游戏节开幕式活动中,SNK带来了他们的《合金弹头》SRPG新作——《合金弹头战略版(METAL SLUG TACTICS)》,本作将由Dotemu和SNK合作制作。




2024年发售的90 年代复古游戏盘点,有你想玩的吗?(第47周)

网址: 2024年发售的单人复古游戏盘点,有你想玩的吗?(第43周) http://www.hyxgl.com/newsview354797.html
